Turtle Flowage is a card game for all
ages. It is played by 3 to 93 year young people and it has been
adapted for use on college campus' for Friday night
entertainment. It is fun and easy to learn. This web page
is dedicated to the creation of the game and the association of friends
dedicated to its promotion, fair play, and fun. If you are
interested in becoming a member of the ATFAA, please fill out the
information below and send it along. Donations are welcome, but
not essential to become a member. Play the game for awhile and if
you like it, revisit this webpage to give us your feedback.
The Rules
game is played with normal, 52 card, decks of cards. One deck of
cards for every 4.5 people playing, rounding up to the nearest whole
decks of cards, although many variations have been tried
successfully. One of the optional rules includes the two standard
joker cards as part of the variations.
cards are placed in the center of the table, face down, and "kid
shuffled". The shuffle is ended without straightening up the
cards into piles (the cards are left in their scattered state).
The game begins with the youngest player pulling the first card and
then placing it face up in front of them. The pulling of cards
from the central pile proceeds one by one around the table in a
clockwise manner. As each player pulls from the pile, they place
their card face up in front of themselves. If the card
[number?!?] matches the number on the top of any other players pile,
that other players pile is added to the pile of the player that has
just pulled a card. The process of systematically pulling cards
and taking other players piles continues until all the cards have been
removed from the center of the table. When all cards have been
pulled from the center pile, the players count up their cards and the
one with the most cards is declared the [insert name].
the next game, the winner of the previous game pulls the first card and
the fun continues.
Rule Variations
the variations on the rules are too numerous to list here, we will
cover the top five variations that we know makes the game more fun and
exciting. We do recognize there are Turtle Flowage purists who do
not believe in variations. So, we beg their indulgence for the
variation. When a player sees that the card they have drawn
matches a prior players card, they must notify the other player to hand
over their card pile. However, the initiating player cannot use
their finger, or any part of their hand, to point to the other player
or to the players pile of cards. They must point with another
body part, such as their elbow or head. Pointing with their
finger will either cause the initiating player to forfeit their cards
to the central pile, or to give their cards to players pile they were
hoping to receive, or to drink an adult beverage (the later for adults
variation. [help]
A Brief History of Turtle Flowage
was a dark and stormy night..." Actually, it was neither dark,
nor stormy, but it was night. A night within shouting distance of
the Turtle Flowage (of the Wolf River) near Hayward, Wisconsin. A
bunch of kids with nothing better to do created a game to pass the time
until daylight. You see, there isn't much to do at night in the
northern woods of Wisconsin. The Ladendorf family, from Des
Plaines, Illinois were on their annual vacation retreat from the big
city and found themselves in want of something to do. A deck of
cards, some imagination, and that's all it took. The rules were
very simple at first and remained so for 25 years. Variations
started to show up as college students bent and added rules to make
this a game to encourage consumption of adult beverages on the
weekends. The ATFAA was created to preserve the history and
intent of the game, which is for youngsters to pass the time, while
simultaneously allowing for fun and exciting variations of the rules.