Here are a few links that I use
on a regular basis. There is a bit of diversity here, but that's
me, diverse interests.
Coast to
Coast AM
If you get around
my site, you will see that I have a passing interest in aliens,
paranormal events, and some of the fringe physics. I consider
myself a skeptic wanting to believe in this "stuff". The problem
is that I am an engineer also wanting to figure it out. In the
meantime, I try to have fun with it. I try all I can to keep an
open mind, but so often I am disappointed when I search to the core of
an issue. |
Coast to Coast AM
is a fun radio show. This is Art Bell's midnight talk show.
Well, Art is on the radio on the weekends and George Noorey is on
during the week nights. Both are great host as they allow almost
all callers room to voice their opinions, no matter how far out it may
seem. I am a streamlink subscriber too, so I download past shows
in MP3 format and listen to them at my leisure. |
Weather Underground
Way better
weather than the weather channel. Here's the link to my hometown. |
NPR Science Friday
Whatever you have
to say about NPR and their total liberal slant, Science Friday makes up for it all. If you are
interested in things around you and how they work, listen in. |