Largest Ball of Paint
Alexandria, Indiana
GPS: N40 15.535 W85 42.548

Ball of Paint
Certificate of
Authenticity indicating that I actually put a coat of paint on the
Largest Stuffed Bull
Kokomo, Indiana
"That's a lotta Bull" apparently is not a new saying to the
folks of Kokomo.

Stuffed Bull
Kokomo, Indiana
GPS: N40
28.135 W86 08.543
Largest Grandfather Clock
Kewaunee, Wisconsin

Grandfather Clock
Concrete Egg
Mentone, Indiana
GPS: N41
10.400 W86 02.079

Concrete Egg
Mentone, Indiana
Largest Fish
Hayward, Wisconsin
No Largest Trip in Wisconsin would be complete without
visiting the World's Largest Fish in Hayward. You can climb
through the guts and stand in the mouth, and not even touch your head.

Hayward, Wisconsin
Tallest Indian
Ironwood, Michigan
I had some trouble finding the Chief. But just ask the
locals and they will tell you.

Ironwood, Michigan
GPS: N46
27.076 W90 09.859
Largest Talking Loon
Mercer, Wisconsin
Apparently the voice box is on the blink for the time being.
GPS: (didn't get them)

Talking Loon
Mercer, Wisconsin
Be careful not to
step in the World's Largest Loon S*!t. You hear about that stuff
all the time.
Largest Nose and Glasses
Grand Beach, Michigan
Nose and Glasses moved to Michigan! It took awhile to
track down this World's Largest. Apparently, the owner has moved
to new digs down the street and across the state line.

Nose and Glasses
Grand Beach,
GPS: N41
46.153 W86 47.208
Largest Penny
Woodruff, Wisconsin
In Woodruff, "A penny for your thoughts" takes on a whole new

Largest Penny
Woodruff, Wisconsin
GPS: N45 53.754 W89 41.975
Largest Penny
Woodruff, Wisconsin

UFO Landing Pad
Poland, Wisconsin
Largest Sycamore Stump
Kokomo, Wisconsin
GPS: N40 28.135 W86 08.543
(in the building next to the Bull)

Largest Sycamore Stump
Kokomo, Wisconsin
I thought Wisconsin had cornered the market on "shrines to
logs", but Indiana is doing their best to keep up!
Largest Ball of Twine
Lake Nebagamon, Wisconsin
There is quite a history of Largest Balls of Twine in the
northwoods. It all depends on whether you mean size,
circumference, or in this case documented weight. And the
definition of "ball" is in the eye of the beholder. Spherical is
not a criteria.

Largest Ball of Twine
Lake Nebagamon, Wisconsin
GPS: N46 28.457 W91 41.808